세계 / Global

India to upgrade naval Do 228s

The maritime reconnaissance version of the Indian Navy's Dornier Do 228 aircraft. (Janes/Patrick Allen)

The Indian Ministry of Defence (MoD) has signed a contract with Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) to upgrade the Indian Navy's Dornier Do 228 fleet.

The contract, announced on 15 March, has a value of INR28.9 billion (USD348.6 million) and will cover the mid-life upgrade (MLU) of 25 Do 228s in the Indian Navy, including the installation of associated equipment. According to the MoD, the MLU will include the replacement of the aircraft's primary sensors and incorporation of new avionics.

“The upgrade would significantly enhance the operational capability of the Dornier aircraft of the Indian Navy to perform primary roles of maritime surveillance, coastal surveillance, electronic intelligence, and development of Maritime Domain Awareness,” the MoD said. “In addition, this upgrade will also enable Indian Navy Dorniers to carry out secondary roles of search and rescue, medical/casualty evacuation, and communication.”

The MoD said that the execution span of the MLU programme is six-and-a-half years.

For more information, please seeHAL (Dornier) 228.


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