세계 / Global

Littoral overhaul: Brazilian Marine Corps to buy MBTs and swimming ACV…

The Brazilian Marine Corps Amphibious Vehicles Battalion received 23 AAV7A1 RAM/RS vehicles between 2017 and 2018 in three different configurations. (Victor Barreira)

The Brazilian Marine Corps (Corpo de Fuzileiros Navais: CFN) is implementing an ambitious effort to replace several of its older platforms, acquire new capabilities, update infrastructure and organisations, and simultaneously bolster the local Defence Technological and Industrial Base (DTIB).

Marine Materiel Command (Comando do Material de Fuzileiros Navais: CMatFN) under General Command of the Marine Corps (CGCFN) is in charge of acquiring equipment as part of the Marine Corps Combat Power Strategic Program (PROADSUMUS).

Equipment acquisition under PROADSUMUS is meant to bolster command-and-control (C2), mobility, survivability, and firepower capabilities for the marine air-ground task forces (Grupamento Operativo de Fuzileiros Navais) in the Fleet Marine Force (Força de Fuzileiros da Esquadra: FFE) by 2032, Commander of the CMatFN Vice Admiral Rogério Ramos Lage said in a recent interview. The marine corps comprises the CGCFN, the FFE, four marine regional units, and three riverine operations battalions. The task forces are composed of command, air combat, ground combat, and logistics elements, Vice Adm Lage told Janes in October.


식당 카운터 노트 식당장부 65매
투명창 쇼핑백 10개세트 가로15cmX높이20cmX폭10cm 선물가방
포르테 상신 브레이크 패드 라이닝 전패드(08.8-)SP1187
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